Ocean Gate Ministries

Welcome to Ocean Gate Ministries

Where the Gates Are Open

Welcome, dear companions on this sacred journey of faith! With the guiding presence of the Holy Spirit, we unite in the pursuit of Christian love, embarking on a collective commitment. Our purpose is resolute: to propel this church forward, fostering growth in knowledge, holiness, and comfort. Together, we shall be architects of prosperity and guardians of spirituality, upholding the sacred pillars of worship, ordinances, discipline, and doctrine.

In harmonious accord, we pledge to contribute, both cheerfully and consistently, to the sustenance of our ministry, the needs of the church, the welfare of the less fortunate, and the global dissemination of the gospel’s transformative message. As we stand united, our fellowship becomes a beacon, illuminating the path towards a shared destiny—bound by love, driven by purpose, and fueled by the eternal flame of devotion.

Quote of the Week :

Watch your Thoughts, for they become Words
Watch your Words, for they become Actions.
Watch your Actions, for they become Habits.
Watch your Habits, for they become Character.
Watch your Character, for they become Destiny.

“Whoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps himself out of trouble”

– Proverbs 21:23

Upcoming Events


Toy Giveaway


Christmas Eve


"Christmas Day"

We Welcome You

Guided by the Spirit of God, we unite in joy and solemnity, declaring our acceptance of the Lord Jesus Christ as Savior and professing our faith through baptism. In the presence of God, angels, and this assembly, we form a covenant—a shared commitment as one body in Christ. With hearts intertwined, we pledge unity, love, and a common purpose, resonating both in the celestial realms and among us on this earthly journey.